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In Memoriam 2023

On this page we pay tribute to all the people who worked or participated in the world of video games and passed away in 2023.

You will view people by the year they died, remembering a little more about their work and their importance in the history of games.

Bob Smith

Bob Smith photo

Bob Smith was a programmer at Atari and co-founder of Imagic, a developer famous for several Atari 2600 classics.

He made games such as Riddle of the Sphinx, Star Voyager, Dragonfire, Video Pinball, Barkley Shut Up and Jam!, and Army Men: Sarge's Heroes.

He passed away on May 13, 2023.

Paul de Senneville

Paul de Senneville photo

Paul de Senneville was a French journalist, composer and music producer.

Founder of the companies Adeline Software International and Delphine Software.

John Motson

John Motson photo

John Walker Motson was an English BBC commentator, who became famous for being the first commentator of the FIFA series, working on it from 1996 until 2006.

He died at the age of 77 on February 23, 2023.

Michael Berlyn

Michael Berlyn photo

Michael Berlyn was a game designer and writer, best known for designing the games Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind and Bubsy 3D.

He was also a co-founder of Bend Studio.

He passed away at the age of 73 on March 29, 2023 after a years-long battle with cancer.

John Gibson

John Gibson photo

John Gibson was a British programmer and co-founder of Danton Designs.

He began his career in 1983 at Imagine Software, creating titles for the ZX Spectrum such as Molar Maul and Stonkers.

In 1984, Imagine Software went bankrupt and he ended up helping to found Danton Designs, continuing to release titles for the ZX Spectrum such as Frankie Goes to Hollywood and Cosmic Wartoad.

John Gibson also worked at Psygnosis, Warthog Games and Sony, working on games such as MotorStorm, WRC: Rally Evolved, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, Sentient and Microcosm.

He passed away on July 23, 2023.

John Ahlquist

John Ahlquist photo

John was a software engineer beginning his career in 1982 at Texas Instruments. He began working with games at Electronic Arts in 2001, participating in the games Command & Conquer Generals and Battle for Middle Earth.