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In Memoriam 2011

On this page we pay tribute to all the people who worked or participated in the world of video games and passed away in 2011.

You will view people by the year they died, remembering a little more about their work and their importance in the history of games.

Takeshi Miyaji

Takeshi Miyaji photo

Takeshi Miyaji (宮路 武) was a Producer and Director, founded the company Game Arts and became known for being the creator of the series Silpheed, GunGriffon, Lunar and Grandia.

He died at the age of 45 after complications during surgery for a brain tumor.

Kevin Bulmer

Kevin Bulmer photo

Kevin Bulmer was an illustrator, designer and director, and founder of Synthetic Dimensions, which specialized in 3D games and animation.

Bulmer worked on several game ports, including Gauntlet, Galaxy Force II, Hot Rod and The Flash. In addition to some creations such as Corporation (Cyber-Cop), MASK, Legends of Valour and Rapid Assault.

Sadly, he passed away in 2011 from prostate cancer.

Ryu Umemoto

Ryu Umemoto photo

Ryu Umemoto (梅本 竜) was a Japanese composer, who began his career in the early 1990s by composing music for the Gundam and Macross series of games, and also for C's Ware and Cave.

He passed away on August 16, 2011.