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In Memoriam 2016

On this page we pay tribute to all the people who worked or participated in the world of video games and passed away in 2016.

You will view people by the year they died, remembering a little more about their work and their importance in the history of games.

Fergus McGovern

Fergus McGovern photo

Fergus McGovern was an executive and veteran in the games industry, co-founding Probe Software and HotGen.

He sadly passed away in 2016.

Fernando Velez

Fernando Velez photo

Fernando Velez was a programmer and game designer, as well as co-founder of VD-Dev Games together with Guillaime Dubail.

He worked on several games such as Driv3r, Test Drive: Le Mans, Lucky Luke and Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues.

He passed away on June 22, 2016 due to heart problems.