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In Memoriam 2013

On this page we pay tribute to all the people who worked or participated in the world of video games and passed away in 2013.

You will view people by the year they died, remembering a little more about their work and their importance in the history of games.

Hiroshi Yamauchi

Hiroshi Yamauchi photo

Hiroshi Yamauchi was Nintendo's third president, running the company from 1950 to 2002. He was known for being a hard-liner and a great entrepreneur. He was responsible for transforming Nintendo from a trading card manufacturer to the multi-billion dollar game developer and publisher it has become.

When he stepped down as president on May 24, 2020, he personally chose Satoru Iwata to succeed him.

Yamauchi also owned the Seattle Mariners baseball team from 1992 until his death.

He died at the age of 85 on September 19, 2013.

Kenji Eno

Kenji Eno photo

Kenji Eno (飯野賢治) was a composer, musician and game designer, becoming famous for the games D and Enemy Zero.

He also founded the companies EIM, Warp (which would later be called Super Warp) and From Yellow to Orange.

Unfortunately he passed away at the age of 42 on February 20, 2013.

Greg Martin

Greg Martin photo

Greg Martin was an American artist and illustrator, working at Sega of America and best known for his Western cover versions of the Sonic series.

He sadly passed away at the age of 56 on May 21, 2013.