In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64
In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 is a fishing / pescaria game developed by GearHead Entertainment and published by Take-Two Interactive in July 30, 1999 for Nintendo 64.
Produced by Rick Hall and Sam Houser and Jeronimo Barrera, design by Carolyn Wahl and Chris Wall and Don Dillinger and Gabe Garrison and Greg Brown and Jack Snyder and Jodi DeGeorge and Mike Snyder and Rick Hall.
Game Information
- Publisher:
- Developer:
- Platform: Nintendo 64 / N64
- Genre: Fishing / Pescaria
- Year: 1999
- Release date: July 30, 1999
Executive Producer
Associate Producer
Lead Programmer
Interface Programmer
Lead Designer
Design Consultant
Art director
3D Artists
Lead Animator
Technical Producer
Director of Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Technicians
Lead Tester
Product Manager
Manual text
Special Thanks