The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a rpg game developed by CD Projekt RED and published by CD Projekt RED in May 19, 2015 for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
Produced by John Mamais and Jędrzej Mróz and Piotr Krzywonosiuk and Dominika Gonsierowska and Grzegorz Rdzany and Jan Strzyzewski and Joanna Strzelecka-Tazbir and Michal Stec and Mikolaj Jastrzębski-Szwed and Pawel Wilkos and Stan Just, directed by Konrad Tomaszkiewicz and Mateusz Kanik and Sebastian Stępień, game design by Andrzej Kwiatkowski and Brad Lansford and Damien Monnier and Lukasz Szczepankowski and Lukasz Wnek and Marcin Janiszewski and Marwin So and Matthew Steinke and Michal Dobrowolski, art by Emil Dziewanowski and Jakub Madela and Lukasz Horzelski and Martin Thorzén and Patryk Brzozowski and songs composed by Marcin Przybylowicz and Mikolaj Stroinski.
Game Information
- Publisher:
- Developer:
- Platform: PC, Playstation 4 / PS4 and Xbox One
- Genre: RPG
- Year: 2015
- Release date: May 19, 2015
Game links