Francisco Javier Lafuente
Francisco Javier Lafuente (Frank Lafuente), credited as Programmer and Lead Programmer.
Appear in the games: Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime, Turok: Evolution, Turok: Rage Wars, All-Star Baseball 2000, All-Star Baseball 99, NFL Quarterback Club 98 and All-Star Baseball 1997 Featuring Frank Thomas.
Also known as: Frank Lafuente
Francisco Javier Lafuente Credits (13)
Insomniac Games
Lead Programmer
Engine Programmer
Additional Gameplay Programmer
Tools Programming
Front-end Programmers
Game Programmer
Animation Logic
Engineering Director
Additional Contributors
Special Thanks to