Nobuhiro Matsuoka
Nobuhiro Matsuoka (Matsuoka, Nobuchan, Nyannyan Matsuoka, のぶひろ まつおか, Nobuhiro.M, 松岡 伸治), credited as Lead Programmer, Director, Testers and Programmer.
Appear in the games: International Superstar Soccer 2000, Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius: Forever With Me, Jikkyo Oshaberi Parodius, Twinbee Taisen Puzzle Dama, Fantastic Journey, Lethal Enforcers, Ganbare Goemon 3: Shishi Jurokubee no Karakuri Manji-gatame, Pop'n Twinbee, Parodius! From Myth to Laughter and The Legend of the Mystical Ninja.
Also known as: Matsuoka, Nobuchan, Nyannyan Matsuoka, のぶひろ まつおか, Nobuhiro.M, 松岡 伸治
Nobuhiro Matsuoka Credits (24)
Main Program
Special Thanks