Kazuhito Takahashi
Kazuhito Takahashi (Pon, Pon Takahashi, 高橋 和人), credited as Programmer and Animator.
Appear in the games: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Mario Sports Mix, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children - Kuro no Shō/Aka no Shō, Revelations: The Demon Slayer, The Conveni: Ano Machi o Dokusen Seyo and Nontan to Issho: Kuru Kuru Puzzle.
Also known as: Pon, Pon Takahashi, 高橋 和人
Kazuhito TakahashiCredits (8)
Event Scene Artists
Motion Design
Cinema Animation
Production Director
Technical Producer