Nobuyuki Shioda
Nobuyuki Shioda (Shiochan, Eden, Nobuyuki.Shioda, N. Shioda, しおだ のぶゆき, 塩田信之), credited as Sound Programmer, Composer and Sound Designer.
Appear in the games: Gem Gem Monster, DX Jinsei Game II, Hebereke no Popoon, Summer Carnival '92: Recca, Battle Grand Prix, Kick Master, G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor, Banana Prince, The Trolls in Crazyland and Sumo Fighter.
Also known as: Shiochan, Eden, Nobuyuki.Shioda, N. Shioda, しおだ のぶゆき, 塩田信之
Nobuyuki ShiodaCredits (14)
Sound Composer
Sound Effect
Sound Programmer