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Hiroshi Nakagawa

Hiroshi Nakagawa (RAOH, なかがわ ひろし, 中川広嗣, 中川 洋), credited as Lead Programmer, Director and Programmer.

Appear in the games: UFC Undisputed 3, WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011, Devil May Cry 4, Rumble Roses XX, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity, Berserk Millennium Falcon Arc: Seimasenki no Sho, Jojo no Kimyo na Boken: Ogon no Kaze, EOE: Eve of Extinction and Twilight Syndrome: Saikai.

Also known as: RAOH,   なかがわ ひろし,   中川広嗣,   中川 洋