Toshiro Okamoto
Toshiro Okamoto (Okamoto San, 岡本敏郎, 岡本 敏郎), credited as Art Director, Artist, Animator, Game Designer and Character Designer.
Appear in the games: Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai, Sonic Shuffle, Tengai Makyo II: Manjimaru, Ys III: Wanderers from Ys, Last Armageddon, Break In, Tengai Makyo: Ziria, No・Ri・Ko and Doraemon.
Also known as: Okamoto San, 岡本敏郎, 岡本 敏郎
Toshiro Okamoto Credits (12)
Game Designed by
Graphics Supervisors
Character Designed by
Art director
Special Artwork
Battle Monster Artist
Technical Adviser
Special Thanks