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Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III cover

Age of Empires III is a strategy game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Corporation in October 18, 2005 for PC.

Produced by David Rippy and Brian Lemon and Matty Scadding and Timothy R. Ruessler and Wallace H. Wachi Jr., design by Bruce Campbell Shelley and David Leary and Jeffrey Nicholas Brown and Joseph D. Gillum and Justin E. Rouse and Karen McMullan and Karen Swanson and Kevin White and Sandy Petersen, art by Brad J. Crow and Adam C. Schimpf and Andy Cotnam and Bart Tiongson and Brett Briley and Brian F. Sousa and Bryan A. Hehmann and Chea O'Neill and Chris M. Van Doren and songs composed by Kevin McMullan and Stephen Rippy.

Game Information


Lead Producer
Assistant Lead Programmer
Lead Programmer
Lead Designer
Assistant Lead Designer
Character Lead
Environments Lead
Art Lead
Art Producer
Animation Lead
Music Composition
Sound Design
Information Technology
Community Support
Internal QA
Additional Playtesting & Help
Special Thanks
Additional Thanks