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2002 FIFA World Cup

2002 FIFA World Cup cover
2002 FIFA World Cup cover

2002 FIFA World Cup is a soccer / football game developed by Electronic Arts, Software Creations, Intelligent Games and published by EA Sports in April 23, 2002 for Playstation 2.

Produced by Marc Aubanel and Bill Harrison and Lee Edmondson and Nicholas Wlodyka, art by Lyndon Brooke and Boris Dimitrijevic and Denny Lau and Ernie Patzel and Hiroyuki Nakagomi and Jason Wozencroft and John Cruz and Louise Bell and Paul Goad and songs composed by Jesse Lyon and Michael Gordon.

Game Information

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Executive Producer
Associate Producers
Assistant Producer
Development Director
Lead Programmers
Additional Programming
Software Architect
Art director
Lead Artists
Additional Art
Animation Supervisor
Audio Director
Sound Artists
Project Manager
Production Coordinators
QA Project Manager
QA Team Leads
QA Senior Testers
QA Test
QA Testers