Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a action game developed by EA Bright Light and published by Electronic Arts in June 2, 2004 for GameCube.
Produced by Alex Peters and Andy Bussell and Annabel Scott and Caroline Jenkins and Chuck Clanton and Colin Robinson and Dan Blackstone and Harvey Wheaton and Justin Manning and Kevin Shrapnell and Lee Morse and Michael Cooper and Nick Channon and Owen O'Brien and Peter Samuels and Robert Hole and Robert O'Farrell, game design by Andy Kerridge and Guy Miller and Matt Birch and Richard Evans and Simon Phipps, art by Adam M. Jeffcoat and Adrian Crofts and Andrew Dolan and Andy Blackmore and Chi Chan and Chris Battson and Chris Wood and Chris Young and Claire Wilson and songs composed by Jeremy Soule.