Cyclone Circus: Power Sail Racing
Cyclone Circus: Power Sail Racing is a racing game developed by Playlogic Game Factory BV and published by Playlogic International in 2004 for Playstation 2.
Produced by Rogier W. Smit and Ann Holvoet, game design by Ard Bonewald, art by Alejandro Gasch Kühne and Alexandra Mores and Christiaan van den Bosch and Ferry van Roozendaal and Hans Zantman and Marcel du Long and Maurice Camps and Michael Perdieus and Mike Ptacek and songs composed by Robin Morssink.
Game Information
- Publisher:
- Developer:
- Platform: Playstation 2 / PS2
- Genre: Racing
- Serial: SLES-52684.
- Year: 2004
- Release date: 2004
Executive Producer
Produced by
Game Designer
Lead Programmer
Art director
Sound Effects
Project Management