Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal is a racing game developed by SingleTrac and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment in October 1, 1995 for Playstation.
Produced by Andy Sells and Kurt Bestor and Sam Cardon and Allan Becker and Scott Campbell, directed by Michael D. Jackson, game design by David Jaffe and Mike Giam and songs composed by Chuck E. Myers and Lance Lenhart and Tom Hopkins.
Game Information
- Publisher:
- Developer:
- Platform: Playstation / PS1
- Genre: Racing
- Year: 1995
- Release date: October 1, 1995
Average rating
Executive Producer
Associate Producer
Assistant Producer
Created by
Directed by
Game Software Development
Technical Director
Game Design
Director of Software Development
3D Graphics Designers
Vehicle Sketches
3D Graphics Tools
Screen Backgrounds By
Additional Artwork
Music Produced by
Sound Designer
Calypso Actor
Calypso Photographer
QA Manager
Network Manager
Test Manager
Lead Tester
Special Thanks