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Driver '76

Driver 76 cover

Driver '76 is a action game developed by Ubisoft Reflections, Sumo Digital and published by Ubisoft in May 8, 2007 for PSP.

Produced by Patrick Phelan and Graeme Jennings and Richard Aitken, directed by Darren Mills, game design by Ned Waterhouse, design by Jody Hindle and Kenton Fletcher and Mark Bridges and Mark Freeman and Nana Louise Nielsen and Richard Westmoreland and Ross Hartshorn, art by David Blewett and Christopher Samwell and Gary Reynolds and Ira Hill and John Lycett-Smith and Matt McIntosh and Nick Sibbick and Richard Richter and Sam Carlisle and songs composed by Andy Gannon and Edwin Scroggie and Marc Canham.

Game Information


Executive Producer
Creative Director
Chief Technical Officer
Design Lead
Programming Leads
Network Programming
Additional Programming
Design Manager
Graphic Designer
Art Lead
Art Manager
Additional Art
Additional Artwork
Front End Art
Cutscene Direction
Music Supervisor
Script Manager
Production Manager
Project Support
Managing Director
Project Support
Network Scripting
Development Qa
Special Thanks