Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra is a rpg game developed by New World Computing and published by Hudson in October 29, 1993 for TurboGrafx CD.
Produced by Eiji Aoyama and Keisuke Mitsui, directed by Jon Van Caneghem and Tomonori Matsunaga, game design by Yutaka Otomo and Eric Hyman and Jon Van Caneghem and Mark Caldwell and Ronald Bolinger, design by Jon Van Caneghem and songs composed by Shinya Yamamoto.
Game Information
- Publisher:
- Developer:
- Platform: TurboGrafx CD
- Genre: RPG
- Year: 1993
- Release date: October 29, 1993
Directed by
Game Designers
Additional Programming
Designed By
Graphic Designer
Art director
Sound Directors
Music Composer
Creative Writing
Computer Graphics
Special Thanks