Super Nintendo / Super Famicom

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, also known as the Super Nes, Super Nintendo or just SNES in the United States and Super Famicom (スーパーファミコン) in Japan, is a console developed by Nintendo and released on November 21, 1990.
It was designed by Masayuki Uemura, manager of Nintendo R&D2 at the time and who also designed the 8-bit Nintendo.
Its main processor is the Ricoh 5A22, it is 16 bits and runs at a speed of 3.58 MHz.
The sound chip is the Nintendo S-SMP, it was developed by Sony and is stereo, having 8 sound channels, support for samplers and effects such as echo.
Its video processor has 64KB of memory, supports 32768 colors, 128 sprites on the screen (with a maximum of 32 per line), and up to 4 background layers.
It sold the incredible mark of 49 million units around the world, surpassing the rival Mega Drive that managed to sell around 30 million.
It was discontinued only in 1997 with the arrival of the Nintendo 64.
Release date: November 21, 1990

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Videogames list (1238)

Norse by Norse West: The Return of the Lost Vikings
The Lost Vikings II
Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest

Sailor Moon Super S: Shuyaku Soudatsusen - Fight for the Leader

スーパーロボット大戦外伝 魔装機神 THE LORD OF ELEMENTAL

Micro Machines 2: Special Edition
Micro Machines 2: Edition Spéciale

Archer Maclean's Super Dropzone
Archer MacLean's Dropzone

Mickey to Minnie: Magical Adventure 2
ミッキーとミニー マジカルアドベンチャー2

Fire Pro Women: All Star Dream Slam
Zen-Nippon Joshi Pro Wrestling Kounin: Fire Pro Joshi All-Star Dream Slam

Ski Paradise with Snowboard
スキーパラダイス WITH スノーボード
Val d'Isere Championship

けろけろけろっぴの冒険日記 眠れる森のけろりーぬ
KeroKero Keroppi no Boken Nikki

Tatakae Genshijin 3 : Shuyaku wa yappari Joe & Mac
Joe & Mac 3: Lost in the Tropics
戦え原始人3 主役はやっぱりJOE&MAC

Nigel Mansell's World Championship
Nigel Mansell F-1 Challenge
ナイジェル・マンセル F1チャレンジ

Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
Homem-Aranha X-Men: A Vingança de Arcade!

Parodiusu Da! Shinwa kara Owarai e
Parodius: Non-Sense Fantasy
パロディウスだ! -神話からお笑いへ-