Sega Genesis 32X / Sega 32X / Sega Super 32X

The Sega 32X (スーパー32X), known in the United States as the Sega Genesis 32X and in Japan as the Sega Super 32X, is an accessory for the Mega Drive that was released on November 21, 1994 to extend the life of this console and to cope with the Super Nintendo, console that Sega of America beat head on in the United States.
The hardware consisted of two 32-bit SH-2 RISC processors running at 23MHz, main memory of 256KB of RAM and 256KB of video memory.
The console supported 32,768 colors on the screen with a resolution of 320x240 pixels, uses a cartridge system and also had the ability to run games on CD if used in conjunction with the Sega CD in compatible games.
The Sega 32X was capable of making very interesting polygonal games, including a version of Virtua Racing in its library that is still considered one of the best ever released. In addition, its version of Virtua Fighter has gameplay identical to the Saturn version, losing only in audio and very little in graphics.
Unfortunately the 32X ended up having a short life, lasting just over 2 years, being discontinued in 1996, as the Sega Saturn soon became the company's priority, of course everyone who bought the accessory ended up being very frustrated with the little support that the console had , scratching the company's image mainly in the West.
Release date: November 21, 1994