Master System / Sega Mark III

Master System is a third-generation console from Sega that was released on October 20, 1985 under the name Sega Mark III in Japan to compete with Nintendo's Famicon.
In Brazil, the Master System was officially launched on September 4, 1989.
Its main processor is the 8-bit Zilog Z80A running at 4MHz. Its RAM memory is 8kB and the video has 16kB of RAM.
It manages to display 32 simultaneous colors on the screen, with a resolution of 256x192.
Its sound chip is a Yamaha VDP PSG (SN76489), and in Japan it has an FM audio chip which is the Yamaha YM2413.
Unfortunately, he suffered a lot of competition because Nintendo had an exclusive contract with the main developers of the time, preventing several games from coming to the console. The few conversions that came out for the console were reprogramming made by Sega itself at the time.
It was discontinued by Sega in 1991 in Japan and 1992 in the United States, however its support in Europe and Brazil was extended for a long time, having games released until 1996 in Europe and in Brazil until 1998, with games exclusively made by Tectoy as Castelo Ra-tim-bum, Tv Colosso, Geraldinho and Chapolim VS Dracula.
It sold around 13 million units worldwide.
Release date: October 20, 1985
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Dragon Crystal: Labyrinth of Tsurani
ドラゴンクリスタル ―ツラニの迷宮―
Dragon Crystal ―Tsurani no Meikyu―