Playstation 2 / PS2

The Playstation 2 is a sixth generation console released by Sony on March 4, 2000 in Japan and October 26, 2000 in the United States with a starting price of $299.
Its main processor is the MIPS R5900 "Emotion Engine", running at 294MHz, with 32MB of main memory.
The graphics chip runs at 150MHz and has 4MB of memory.
Its collection of games is impressive, surpassing more than 3000 titles.
It sold an incredible 160 million units, making it the best-selling console of all time, and its best-selling game is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with over 17 million units.
Source: 2000 PlayStation 2 - PSP PlayStation Portable | PlayStation History timeline (UK)
Release date: March 4, 2000
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Action videogames list (536)

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